Fun Social Ninja Hacks
11 ways to superboost your social life
This is a fun little course, with 10+ social techniques ranging from how to get people excited to see you, what to do if someone tries to make you look bad, and what to do if you get bored or uncomfortable at a party.
Whether you're already a social expert, or dread spending time around others, there should be plenty of little tips and social hacks here to help you improve your social results!
Take a look at the curriculum beneath for more details!
Your Instructor
My name is TJ Guttormsen, and I have worked as an international coach and speaker for over a decade.
While I have worked on several different fields in my career so far, there's one topic that seems to always be relevant: Overcoming those annoying feelings or voices in your head that keeps people from doing what they know they should be doing to develop the skills or create the life they dream of.
If you're ready to overcome yours, I'm ready to help you.
Frequently Asked Questions
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